
Testimonies from participants of retreats for married couples:

We got to know each other better during those two days than throughout the twenty years we were married. We recognized in ourselves traits that didn’t surface before, we understood each other better, we could hear each other out calmly. Our children said we came back changed. This is going to have a very good influence on our bond with them. It was a marital retreat but it made our whole family stronger.

When we were getting married we knew we wouldn’t have it easy. I felt that what connected us was a kind of a precious stone tangled up in a spiderweb. The retreat enabled us to “go back to the roots”, that is to become aware that the most essential things that linked us at the beginning and led us to get married ten years ago are still there to link us. And whatever divides us is less important and should not prevent us from enjoying life.

Before coming to the retreat we were getting ready for divorce; now we are determined to stay together!

We are a married couple that both seeks God and goes away from Him. Here I’ve seen how weak a man is alone and how strong he can be with God. The retreat made our faith much deeper. I’m looking at God and the Church with completely different eyes now.

Our marriage has been in a bad patch. We couldn’t find understanding. We were on the verge of splitting up. Thanks to the retreat we can finally hear each other out. There is hope.

More testimonies – look here: Book of Testimonies

Testimonies from participants of Evenings for Couples in Love and Retreats for Engaged Couples:

The retreat gave answers to the questions we brought with us. The most important thing to us was to establish our hierarchy of values again. We are leaving convinced that there is a lot of work ahead of us.

The course has reminded me that dialogue is the most important thing. What I found most valuable was the testimonies from the couples – I think an example always has far greater an influence than theory.

I’ve understood what the Sacrament of Matrimony is about; I’ve discovered a need for religious life in our future marriage that I wasn’t aware of before.

It was only after those Evenings that I began to realize slowly what marriage is about. Those encounters opened my eyes to my girlfriend. I came to force myself to talk to her about our affairs. Now I think the decision to marry will not be so casual. It is going to be sensible and well thought out.

More testimonies – look here: Book of Testimonies